Episode 2: Roman's Misunderstood Numerals

The rummaging and ruminating ruffians have returned! This time, to reveal the revelry that repeats every time we restart this reckless revelation of a recording. Y’dig?!

00:03:06 - Well Welcome Wellmer!

00:08:32 - Swamp Thing Green Hell #1

00:18:46 - Inferno #4

00:26:10 - The Fourth Man #1

00:33:25 - Email from Justin Prause

00:40:25 - The Human Target #3

00:50:05 - Marjorie Finnegan #8

00:55:10 - An Ode, In Remembrance

00:58:00 - BUCKSHOTS!

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these books. So maybe pause this, read your books, and come back. We’ll still be here!

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