Episode 1: The Names They Are A Change'n

Welcome in, new listeners! Things look different around here, do they not? That's because we've rebranded! Again. What begins as some Transformative Reading Experiences morphs into some New Directions... can you keep pace with all of this? I surely cannot.

0:04:45 - And I said, what's going on?

0:07:30 - Devil's Reign #4

0:17:30 - A Brief Welcome from Will!

0:27:30 - Suicide Squad: Blaze #1

0:34:43 - Batman: Urban Legends #12

0:45:40 - Apache Delivery Service #2

0:53:50 - Joker #12


SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these books. So maybe pause this, read your books, and come back. We’ll still be here!

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