American Spider-Man & His Amazing Pets

The whole gang is back after a busy summer month and ready to kick some comic book butt! Jeff, Django, and Roman still love bringing you all the freshest takes on the most recently released comic books that you should be reading! We've got birds, immortal beings, super-pets, and a new name for you wonderful listeners. Gotta come back with a jolt!

0:03:52- Well Welcome Wellmer!

0:11:18 - The Penguin #1

0:21:22 - The Immortal Thor #1

0:29:45 - Marvel UNLEASHED #1

0:33:33 - Time Before Time #26

0:35:49 - Big Game #2

0:42:01 - Amazing Spider-Man #32

0:47:51 - Dark Knights of Steel #12

0:51:58 - Jeff's mini-buckshot!

0:54:14 - The X-Corner

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in this movie. So definitely pause this, watch the movie, and come back. We’ll still be here!

And an enormous thank you, as always, to Andrew Carlson for editing this mess into something listenable.

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Visit us at The Comics Place next time you're in Bellingham, Washington!

Django Bohren