Joker in a Porta-Potty

Django and Jeff meet up around the primordial storytelling fire to discuss last week's comic books as they always do! But this week, we have an extra-fun voicemail from Will, a brief mention of the gaping maw between realities, and of course, Power Girl! You know Django can't avoid chatting about some risque covers. Jump in and enjoy!

0:03:00 - One Spicy Well Welcome Wellmer!

0:06:31 - The Flash #1

0:11:33 - Void Rivals #4

0:15:00 - The Immortal Thor #2

0:17:13 - Rumpus Room #1

0:22:14 - Penguin #2

0:24:42 - Invincible Iron Man #10

0:27:00 - Power Girl #1

0:29:10 - Batman: Brave & the Bold #5

0:35:25 - Marvel Unleashed #2 & Jean Grey #2

0:37:18 - Batman: Gargoyle in Gotham #1

0:38:30 - Danger Street #9

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in this movie. So definitely pause this, watch the movie, and come back. We’ll still be here!

And an enormous thank you, as always, to Andrew Carlson for editing this mess into something listenable.

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Cover art by Alex Ross

Visit us at The Comics Place next time you're in Bellingham, Washington!

Django Bohren