Posts tagged Alpha Betas
A Long Cold March Toward Finales

The wondrous trio of Jeff, Django, and Roman have returned from their trek in the Bat-desert (AKA Portland, Oregon) and find themselves starving for some comic consumption... so brace yourself for some lengthy tales of their wild adventures!

0:03:20 - Well Welcome Wellmer!

0:11:52 - The Flash #787

0:16:50 - Batman: The Knight #10

0:27:57 - Rogues #4

0:31:20 - Miracleman: The Silver Age #1

0:37:35 - Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man #1

0:42:20 - X-Men #16

0:46:05 - Flashpoint: Beyond #6

0:46:51 - Alpha Betas #1

0:50:53 - Batman: One Bad Day: The Penguin #1

0:59:06 - Mindset #4

1:02:32 - Deadly Class #56

1:14:00 - Nightwing, Trve Cvlt, & other spoilers! (Group Buckshot)

1:19:44 - DCeased: War of the Undead Gods #3

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these books. So maybe pause this, read your books, and come back. We’ll still be here!

And an enormous thank you, as always, to Andrew Carlson for editing this mess into something listenable.

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