Posts tagged Serial
Episode 210: Guy Gardner is a Washington Fan?

What with Future State and all, we’ve just been packing these episodes full! Get ready for another long one, might even have to divide it between multiple listens! Because on top of Jeff’s spooky day, and blatant attempt to force Football into comics, we ALSO answer some emails, including one from Andrew who gathered a bunch of unanswered questions from the past!

00:05:40 - Haha #1

00:16:16 - Future State:

00:18:00 - Teen Titans #1

00:24:49 - Kara Zor-El Superwoman #1

00:31:32 - Robin Eternal #1

00:37:13 - Superman/Wonder Woman #1

00:44:14 - Justice League #1

00:49:21 - Dark Detective #1

00:55:13 - Green Lantern #1

01:00:17 - Sword #2

01:04:04 - Space Bastards #1

01:09:53 - Serial #1

01:16:15 - EMAILS!!!!!

SPOILERS! Tread carefully dear listener, because we’re going to talk about what happened in these books. So maybe pause this, read your books, and come back. We’ll still be here!

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